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How Will Remarriage Affect Spousal Support Payments in Wisconsin?

 Posted on December 06,2023 in Divorce

Wisconsin Alimony AttorneySpousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is a common issue addressed in divorce cases. The purpose of spousal support is to bridge the gap between divorcing spouses and enable the lower-earning spouse to maintain a similar standard of living after divorce.

In Wisconsin, spousal support payments are determined on a case-by-case basis by considering various factors such as the length of the marriage, each spouse's income and earning capacity, the age and health of both parties, the division of property, and whether there were any agreements between the spouses that specified whether spousal support would be paid. 

If the court determines that spousal support should be paid, a couple’s divorce decree will specify the amount and duration of these payments. However, changes may occur in the couple’s lives in the years following their divorce, including the remarriage of either party. When either the paying spouse or the recipient spouse gets remarried, they will need to determine how this may affect spousal support payments. An attorney with experience in family law matters can provide guidance in these situations, ensuring that issues related to spousal support will be addressed correctly.

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When Can Litigation Be Used to Resolve Employment Disputes?

 Posted on December 01,2023 in Business Law

Employment DisputesEmployment disputes can arise in various situations, ranging from wrongful termination and discrimination to wage and hour violations. When these conflicts cannot be resolved through negotiation or alternative dispute resolution methods, business litigation may be necessary to seek a resolution. Employers or employees who are involved in these types of disputes can work with an attorney who has experience in these types of cases to determine their legal options and make sure their rights will be protected.

The Role of Litigation in Employment Disputes

Litigation refers to the process of resolving legal disputes through the court system. In employment law, litigation involves filing a lawsuit alleging a violation of employment laws or contractual agreements. While litigation is often a last resort due to its time-consuming nature and the potential costs involved, it can provide the parties involved in a case with the opportunity to achieve justice when other avenues have been exhausted.

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Do OWI Arrests Increase During the Holidays in Wisconsin?

 Posted on November 27,2023 in DUI / OWI

OWI during the holidaysThe holiday season is a time for celebration and spending quality time with loved ones. However, it is also a time when alcohol consumption tends to increase at parties and gatherings and in other situations. With this increase in drinking, more people may attempt to drive when they are intoxicated. Because of this, the number of arrests for OWI (operating while intoxicated) tends to increase during the holidays. If you have been arrested for drunk driving, an experienced attorney can provide you with legal representation and help you determine your best options for defense.

Holiday Festivities and Alcohol Consumption

During the holiday season, many people indulge in alcoholic beverages as part of their celebrations. From office parties to family gatherings, alcohol often takes center stage. Unfortunately, this heightened drinking can lead some people to make poor decisions, such as getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.

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How to Perform a Business Valuation During the Divorce Process

 Posted on November 20,2023 in Divorce

Business ValuationA divorce can involve a variety of complex financial issues, including determining how a couple’s marital assets will be divided. These concerns can be especially consequential for business owners, and some of the most important aspects of this process will be related to determining the value of business interests. A proper business valuation is crucial for ensuring that marital property can be divided fairly and equitably. To address this issue correctly, a business owner or their spouse can work with an attorney who has experience addressing complex financial concerns related to business interests and other valuable assets.

The Importance of Business Valuation in Divorce

When a couple decides to end their marriage,  marital property and assets are divided fairly. This includes any business interests owned by either spouse. A proper valuation is essential to ensure that both parties receive an equitable share of the full value of the marital estate, including the true value of the business. Even if a business is a non-marital asset that was owned by one spouse before the couple was married, a business valuation will be necessary, since this will help both parties understand the financial resources that will be available to them going forward.

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How Can a Financial Advisor Assist with the Divorce Process?

 Posted on November 10,2023 in Divorce

Financial advisor divorceIf you have made the decision to file for divorce, you will need to address a variety of financial issues. The divorce process involves the division of assets and debts, as well as concerns related to financial support, retirement planning, and other issues that can affect your short-term and long-term finances. In addition to legal representation from a divorce attorney, it is often beneficial to seek guidance from a financial advisor as you work to legally dissolve your marriage. 

The Role of a Financial Advisor in a Divorce

A financial advisor can help manage money matters and provide advice on investments, taxes, and other financial concerns. When it comes to divorce, their role can extend beyond traditional financial planning. A financial advisor can assist you in making informed decisions about your finances during and after the divorce process.

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What Are the Penalties for a Wisconsin Domestic Battery Arrest?

 Posted on October 26,2023 in Personal Injury

Wisconsin domestic batteryIf you have been arrested for domestic battery in Wisconsin, it is important to understand the potential penalties you may face. Domestic battery is a serious offense that can result in significant legal consequences, including criminal charges and restrictions on when you may be able to return to your home or communicate with your family members. By understanding the penalties associated with a domestic battery arrest in Wisconsin and working with an experienced attorney, you can determine how to navigate through the legal process as you defend against criminal charges.

Understanding Domestic Battery

In Wisconsin, domestic battery falls under the broader category of domestic abuse. It refers to any act of physical violence or threat of harm against an adult family member or a person who shares a home–or formerly shared a home–with the alleged offender. Wisconsin’s definition includes spouses, former spouses, people who share a child together, people who are dating or have dated in the past, and roommates.

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What Real Estate Developers Need to Know About Entitlements

 Posted on October 24,2023 in Real Estate

real estate entitlementsReal estate development involves a variety of complex legal and financial concerns. From finding the right property to securing financing, there are many factors that developers must consider. Because zoning laws are a crucial factor in real estate development, it is important to understand the role that entitlements will play when requesting approval from a local government to develop a property. When addressing issues related to zoning, entitlements, licensing, and variances, developers can work with an experienced attorney to make sure these matters will be handled properly.

What Are Entitlements?

In the context of real estate, entitlements refer to the legal rights granted by government agencies that allow developers to use their property for specific purposes. These rights typically include zoning approvals, building permits, environmental clearances, and other necessary permissions.

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7 Tips for Co-Parenting Successfully After a Wisconsin Divorce

 Posted on October 24,2023 in Divorce

Wisconsin co-parentingMoving forward after a divorce can be challenging, especially for parents who need to establish new living situations and determine how they will share the responsibility of raising their children. For divorcing parents in Wisconsin, it is important to establish positive co-parenting relationships, which will ensure that both parents can continue to play an active role in their children's lives. While co-parenting may present its own set of challenges, with effective communication and cooperation, parents can make sure they are acting in their children’s best interests when sharing custody and physical placement.

As you work to address legal issues related to care of your children during your divorce, an experienced attorney can help you create a parenting agreement that will allow you to co-parent your children effectively. As you address these concerns, you can do the following to make sure your family will be able to succeed in the years ahead:

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Can Shoplifting Lead to Felony Charges in Wisconsin?

 Posted on October 19,2023 in Criminal Defense

Wisconsin felony shopliftingShoplifting or retail theft is often seen as a minor offense that may be committed by teenagers or others who steal low-value items from stores. However, this form of theft is still considered a serious crime that can have significant legal consequences. In the state of Wisconsin, shoplifting offenses are typically charged as misdemeanors. However, under certain circumstances, shoplifting can lead to felony charges. A person who has been accused of retail theft will need to understand their rights and their options for defense. Representation from an experienced attorney can be crucial in these situations.

What Constitutes Retail Theft in Wisconsin?

Retail theft occurs when a person intentionally takes possession of or carries away merchandise from a store without paying its full price. While the most commonly recognized form of shoplifting involves pocketing merchandise and leaving a store without paying, there are other activities that could result in retail theft charges. Some examples include:

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Be Proactive in Protecting Your Credit & Personal Information

 Posted on October 17,2023 in Scams

Protecting your creditBy Attorneys Raymond Dall’Osto, Jaclyn Kallie and Zak Wroblewski

The Federal Trade Commission FTC) announced in an October 2023 consumer alert, that Americans now have free weekly access to their credit reports, from all three major credit bureaus.  

In the 1990’s, Congress first allowed for a free annual credit bureau check.  During the trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic, several major credit bureaus changed their policies to allow for free weekly checks and access to your full credit bureau report.


When people talk about your credit, they mean your credit history. Your credit history describes how you use money. For example:

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