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Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident

 Posted on October 30,2018 in Premises Liability

Milwaukee slip and fall accident injury lawyerSlipping and falling can lead to serious injuries that may require extensive medical treatment. If you have been hurt in a slip and fall accident, there are things you can do to strengthen your case and increase your chances of recovering compensation. 

Demonstrating Liability

One of the main hurdles in a slip and fall case is proving that the business or property owner knew of the condition that caused your fall and did not take the proper steps to correct it. Alternately, you can satisfy this requirement by showing that any reasonable business or property owner would have known about the condition, because it was present for a substantial period of time before you fell.

Following an injury, you should take the following steps:

  1. Seek all medical help you need. In the aftermath of a fall, your health comes first. You should receive the proper medical treatment and pursue any surgeries or therapies your doctor believes will help you return to the mobility you had prior to the accident.
  2. Note what caused your fall. There are many hazards that can lead someone to slip and fall, including wet surfaces, a differential in the height of flooring, unsecured rugs or cords, and slick floors. You should also note the presence of any safety features such as handrails, warning signs, or anti-slip strips adhered to the ground.
  3. Keep your clothes from the accident. Make note of what you were wearing when you fell. A property owner may try to argue that your shoes or other types of clothing contributed to the fall.
  4. Look for witnesses. If someone saw you fall or came to your aid after the accident, they may have key information to help your claim. Also, identifying people who are regulars of the establishment can be useful to help establish how long the hazard had been present.
  5. Seek out video footage. Security cameras are very common in modern businesses. Footage from these cameras can show how long a slipping hazard was present, as well as what caused your fall. However, footage should be requested and obtained quickly, because stores routinely tape over footage after a certain period of time.

Hire a Milwaukee, WI Slip and Fall Accident Attorney

Slip and fall cases are rarely as open and shut as people believe. A fall at a business or other place open to the public may not meet the requirements to bring a personal injury lawsuit. The law specifically requires certain elements to be proven, and failure to do so may mean that your case will be dismissed. 

Following a slip and fall accident, it is important to work with an experienced Milwaukee personal injury lawyer. Not only will an attorney be your advocate in court and in negotiations with insurance companies, having representation means you know your claim will be handled effectively. Call the law firm of Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP today at 414-271-1440 to learn more about how we can help you obtain the compensation you deserve for injuries caused by someone’s negligence. 



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