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Lifetime GPS Monitoring of Convicted Felon Upheld in Federal Appeals Court

 Posted on December 00,0000 in Criminal Defense

Wisconsin defense attorney, Wisconsin criminal lawyer, sex offender trackingGPS monitoring is often used when a criminal defendant is out on bail, or when someone who has been convicted of a crime is  on probation or other provisions of release require it. In Wisconsin, that law extends to convicted sex offenders, who must wear the GPS tracking devices for the rest of their lives. One man recently attempted to have this mandate overturned, but his request was denied in federal appeals court. Wisconsin’s GPS Laws on Sex Offenders  In 2006, Wisconsin enacted a law that allowed any convicted sex offender who completed their prison term and finished 20 years of monitoring to apply to have their GPS tracking bracelet removed. However, those who have prison terms followed by civil commitment under the Chapter 980 law must wear the bracelet for life. Although this particular portion of the law has garnered a great deal of criticism from advocates that find it cruel, unnecessary, and excessive, the recent ruling suggests that it is unlikely to be amended any time soon. Why a Skilled Criminal Defense Attorney Is Critical for Sex Offense Crimes in Wisconsin Sexual offense charges in any state are considered especially heinous crimes and they often result in lengthy sentences and extreme measures like the lifetime GPS tracking device. Those facing charges are often stigmatized, even before they reach a courtroom. A skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney can protect your rights and ensure you receive the fair trial you deserve. Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP has been serving the Wisconsin area since 1968. Committed to providing you with the legal representation you deserve, our attorneys will work hard to help you reach the best possible outcome for your unique situation. To learn more about our award-winning services, schedule your consultation with our skilled Milwaukee criminal defense attorneys. Call 414-271-1440 today.

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