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Can Nurses Lose Their License For Coming to Work Drunk? | WI

 Posted on September 30,2024 in Medical License Defense

Milwaukee, WI professiona license defense lawyerA nurse can lose his license for being drunk or under the influence of drugs while on the job. Nursing boards take substance use at work very seriously because it jeopardizes patient safety and undermines the integrity of the profession. Coming to work impaired is seen as a violation of the nurse’s duty to provide safe and competent care, and it can lead to serious disciplinary actions, including suspension or revocation of the nurse’s license.

If you are a nurse facing allegations of working while intoxicated, you need to understand the consequences you may face and get legal assistance from a Milwaukee, WI nursing license defense lawyer as soon as possible.

What Consequences Could a Nurse Face for Coming to Work Drunk?

Nurses who come to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs can face a wide range of consequences, depending on the severity of the situation and whether there have been previous offenses. Common penalties include license suspension, mandatory enrollment in a substance abuse treatment program, fines, and probation. 

In severe cases, the state nursing board may decide to revoke the nurse’s license altogether. Additionally, being impaired at work could lead to getting fired and suffering damage to the nurse’s professional reputation, making it difficult to find another job in the healthcare field.

Will a Board Investigation Automatically Lead to Losing My Nursing License?

A board investigation does not automatically mean that a nurse will lose their license, but it is a serious process that can result in disciplinary actions if the allegations are proven. During the investigation, the nursing board will review evidence, interview witnesses, and assess whether the nurse’s behavior violated professional standards. 

Depending on the findings, the board could impose penalties ranging from a warning or temporary suspension to permanent revocation of the license. However, with the right legal defense, it may be possible to mitigate the consequences or avoid losing the license altogether.

Can an Attorney Help Me Keep My Nursing License?

A professional license defense attorney can be the difference between license revocation and keeping your nursing license. An experienced attorney will guide you through the investigation process, help you collect evidence, and build a strong defense on your behalf. An attorney can also negotiate with the nursing board to seek alternative sanctions instead of revocation or suspension of your license. These alternatives may allow you to continue working while addressing the issue. Some possible outcomes include:

  • Mandatory participation in a drug or alcohol treatment program

  • Random drug and alcohol testing to monitor compliance

  • Probation with specific conditions that must be met

  • Supervised practice or temporary work restrictions

By working with a knowledgeable attorney, you increase your chances of receiving a less severe penalty and keeping your nursing license intact.

What Should I Do If I Am a Nurse Facing a Board Investigation?

If you are a nurse facing a board investigation for coming to work drunk or high, it is important to act quickly. The first step is to contact a professional license defense attorney who has experience dealing with nursing boards and disciplinary actions. Your attorney can help you understand the investigation process and represent you during any hearings or negotiations with the board. It is also essential to be honest about the situation and, if necessary, seek help for substance abuse. Taking proactive steps to address the issue can show the board that you are serious about rehabilitation and maintaining professional standards.

Contact a Milwaukee, WI Professional License Defense Attorney

If you are a nurse facing an investigation or disciplinary action for coming to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs, do not wait to get help. A Milwaukee, WI nursing license defense lawyer at Gimbel, Reilly, Guerin & Brown, LLP can help protect your rights, defend your license, and guide you through the investigation process. Our experienced attorneys understand how high the stakes are and will work tirelessly to help you pursue the best possible outcome. Contact us today at 414-271-1440 to schedule a consultation and get the legal support you need.

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