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Out and About with GRGB

Ray Dall’Osto appears before the Assembly Committee on State Affairs

Ray Dall'Osto Testimony

On December 20, 2017, Ray Dall’Osto appeared before the Assembly Committee on State Affairs, along with bill co-sponsors Rep. Kooyenga and Hebl, in support of AB 548. PIX Dall’Osto gave testimony on behalf of the State Bar of Wisconsin, urging legislators to enact AB 548, which would substantially increase compensation to exonerated persons for their past wrongful incarceration. Current Wisconsin law provides the lowest compensation rate in the country, i.e., $5,000 per year of incarceration, up to a maximum of $25,000. AB 548 would provide $50,000 per year of incarceration, up to $1 million.

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Raymond Dall'Osto Writes Article

Raymond Dall'Osto Writes Article "KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: If I Am an Airline Passenger, What Happens if I Need to Use the Facilities When the Seat Belt Sign is On?"

Attorney Raymond Dall'Osto's article has been mentioned by CBS channel 58 regarding what airline passengers need to know when needing to use the facilities when the seatbelt sign is on.

Read it here - KNOW YOUR RIGHTS: If I am an airline passenger, what happens when I need to use the facilities when the seatbelt sign is on?

Patrick J. Knight Speaks at the Marquette University Health Law Society

Patrick J. Knight received his Juris Doctorate from Marquette University Law School in 1979. On Tuesday, November 7th, he gave a presentation regarding his experience in healthcare law to the Marquette University Health Law Society.

Josh Gimbel is New Board Chair of The Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation

The Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation’s mission is to provide the Jewish community with those services that enable our seniors or infirm to be part of a quality Jewish environment with comfort, meaning, independence and dignity. We provide three outstanding choices for Jewish senior living: Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point Senior Living and Sarah Chudnow Community.

Max T. Stephenson speaks at Greater Milwaukee Association of Legal Professionals

Max T. Stephenson spoke at the Greater Milwaukee Association of Legal Professionals meeting on “General Updates in Family Law”.

Josh Gimbel Appointed Chair of the Milwaukee Bar Association’s Foundation

GRGB’s Joshua L. Gimbel has been appointed Chair of the MBA’s Foundation. The Milwaukee Bar Association Foundation was created on December 7, 1994. The Foundation is organized and operated exclusively to perform and carry out charitable and educational functions and purposes of the Milwaukee Bar Association, including the advancement of jurisprudence and the promotion of the administration of justice in the State of Wisconsin through education and scientific research.

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Patrick Knight writes article for State Bar of Wisconsin’s Health Law Section

Patrick Knight's article has been published in the October edition the Wisconsin Health Law News about physicians and how they are being affected by the Controlled Substance Act. Read it here - When Medical Judgment Ceases to be Medicine: Federal Prosecution of Physicians Under the Controlled Substance Act

Patrick Knight speaks at Health Law Seminar

Attorney Patrick Knight spoke at a health law seminar entitled "A GPS For Health Law" which was presented by the Wisconsin Medical Society's Office of General Counsel and the Health Law Section of the State Bar of Wisconsin (June 2011). Attorney Knight moderated a panel of attorneys in a discussion on the "Risks and Pitfalls of Prescribing Controlled Substances."

Raymond Dall'Osto speaker at Continuing Legal Education Program

Raymond Dall'Osto speaks to Wisconsin attorneys at continuing legal education (CLE) programs in December 2009.

Raymond Dall'Osto presents lecture at Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Annual Seminar

On December 12, 2009, Attorney Dall'Osto presented a lecture at the Wisconsin Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Annual Seminar in Madison, Wisconsin, entitled "Swinging the Sword of Justice - Ethically and Effectively." Attorney Dall'Osto then joined a panel of presenters, including UW-Law School Prof. Michele LaVigne, Kentucky Public Advocate Atty. Jeremy Rogers, State Bar Ethics Counsel Tim Pierce and Ed Burnette of Chicago, who is chairman of the national Council of Chief Defenders. The panel addressed the continuing ethical problems inherent with low budgets for indigent defense, unrealistically high caseloads for staff public defenders, and extremely low pay for private bar attorneys appointed to represent indigent criminal defendants. The panel interacted with the audience on the legal and political action needed to address such and brain-stormed possible strategies.

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